ISO 10303-1 - Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 1: Overview and fundamental principlesReference2021
ISO 10303 provides a representation of product information along with the necessary mechanisms and definitions to enable product data to be exchanged. The exchange is among different computer systems and environments associated with the complete product lifecycle, including product design, manufacture, use, maintenance, and final disposition of the product.

This document defines the basic principles of product information representation and exchange used in ISO 10303. It specifies the characteristics of the various series of parts of ISO 10303 and the relationships among them.

A part or subassembly model that is assembled into an assembly or subassembly model.
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precise, text definition of a characteristic required to be present in a conforming implementation
Information represented in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or computers.
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Digital Signature
result of a cryptographic transformation of data that, when properly implemented, provides a mechanism for verifying origin authentication, data integrity and signatory non-repudiation
Externally Defined
explicit identification of the definition given within another source

Note 1 to entry: That source provides all the information necessary to unambiguously recreate the element; the information can be referenced rather than recreated.

Information Model
Formal model of information

Note 1 to entry: In ISO 10303, an information model is based on the Object-relationship modeling technique that organizes the product data as represented in different system aspects.

Note 2 to entry: In ISO 10303, information models are developed using EXPRESS modeling language.

EXAMPLE ISO 10303-242.

The manner in which information is displayed for use by a human.
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Product Definition Data, Technical Data, Item, Feature, Drawing, Item. IdentificationIncludes materials, parts, components, subassemblies, assemblies, and equipment. The term product shall also encompass a family of products.
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Product Data
A representation of information about a product in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or by computers.
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Product Information
information about a product

Note 1 to entry: Note to entry: In ISO 10303, it is common to describe product information with respect to a specific industrial domain.

The product information model is an information model which provides an abstract description of facts, concepts and instructions about a product, such as a STEP Application reference model or STEP Application interpreted model. (cf NAS9300-003, 3.2.1)
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STEP modules and resource library 
collection of application modules, business object models, and integrated resources intended to support one or more application protocols